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Progressive Gaelic
A complete academic course in Gaelic for beginners
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Progressive Gaelic
Nov 13, 20243 min read
Why you need to learn as many words as possible
Nowadays, it is common to see/hear people making statements about how you only need to learn 500 (or 50 or 1000 or whatever) words in...
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Progressive Gaelic
Dec 15, 20224 min read
What's in a name?
Well, I've seen it all now. Gaelic's users have become so self-conscious that they have changed the name of the language not only when...
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Progressive Gaelic
Aug 23, 20227 min read
Are you speaking enough?
We could sum up the answer to this one by saying “probably not”, but then you wouldn’t have anything to read, and you would have clicked...
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Progressive Gaelic
Jun 23, 20224 min read
Learn a 'Useful' Language
This post is based on one of my favourite pieces of nonsense that we hear every so often: learn a ‘useful’ language. People will trot...
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Progressive Gaelic
Sep 17, 20215 min read
"Learn Gaelic the Way you Learned English" - myths 3
Many people throw around the advice “learn Gaelic the way you learned English” without really thinking through the full implications of...
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Progressive Gaelic
Jul 30, 20215 min read
Improve your listening powers
It's almost time for us to release the second episode of Gàidhlig na Cagailte, so it seemed like the opportune moment to hand out some...
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Progressive Gaelic
Jun 10, 20216 min read
Gàidhlig na Cagailte
A new resource for you to use, completely free of charge. Using Gàidhlig na Cagailte We have recently created a new resource designed to...
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Progressive Gaelic
May 5, 20215 min read
Why can your teacher/fluent friends never tell you the Gaelic for things?
Do you ever notice that you will ask your Gaelic teacher or your Gaelic-speaking friends for a word and they will shrug or say they can't...
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Progressive Gaelic
Feb 12, 20215 min read
Can I learn another language at the same time as Gaelic?
A lot of people become enthusiastic about the whole process of language-learning when they start to see some progress with their Gaelic....
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Progressive Gaelic
Jan 15, 20216 min read
Getting better at pronouncing Gaelic
Before we even get into this one, let’s take a moment to think about why it is so important. As a lifelong language learner, I have often...
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Progressive Gaelic
Dec 10, 20206 min read
My Gaelic is worthless! - myths 2
I can’t [delete the ones that don’t apply] speak/read/write/understand Gaelic, and therefore my Gaelic is worthless This is a persistent...
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Progressive Gaelic
Nov 7, 20206 min read
The biggest mistake people make when learning Gaelic
What is the biggest mistake people make when learning Gaelic? There are several mistakes that we all make when learning languages, and I...
2,523 views6 comments

Progressive Gaelic
Oct 2, 20207 min read
Creating a Sense of Accountability Part 2
How to Create Your Routine How do you create this magical routine that will solve all of your problems? The first thing to do is to think...
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Progressive Gaelic
Sep 25, 20204 min read
Creating a sense of accountability Part 1
Creating a sense of accountability in your learning We have started a “myths about learning Gaelic” section in this blog now, and you are...
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Sep 5, 20204 min read
Ùpraid anns a’ ghàrradh: Mì-mhodh, mion-chànain, agus feum air àite tèarainte
Silke Stroh Le sùil d’ inntinn, seall seo: Tha thu aig an taigh. Tha gàrradh brèagha air chùl an taighe agad. Is toigh leat an gàrradh,...
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Progressive Gaelic
Aug 22, 202011 min read
Things you will hear about learning Gaelic (1)
This is going to be a series of posts about the myths you are likely to hear about learning Gaelic. Unfortunately, there are many, and I...
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Gregor Addison
Jul 31, 20204 min read
Tupac ann an Glaschu
O chionn greis bha mi a’ rumastarachd am measg CD-an ann am bùth ann an Glaschu nuair a dhlùthaich fear mu dà fhichead bliadhna a dh’aois...
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Jul 17, 20206 min read
How does it feel to be someone learning Gaelic?
I think this largely depends where you are based and what life stage you are at, when you start to learn. For example; if you are based...
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Progressive Gaelic
Jul 1, 20207 min read
Getting conversational theme by theme
In the post about acquiring conversational fluency, one of the principles I introduced was the idea of learning one theme at a time. In...
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Progressive Gaelic
Jun 26, 20202 min read
Feeling optimistic
This is a brief and unplanned post because I wanted to share with you the enthusiasm I have gained from working with people over the past...
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