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An Taigh – the house, the home

an taigh (m) – the house, the home
aig an taigh – at home
an dachaigh (f) – the home
dhachaigh – home [i.e. homewards, in the direction of home]
dachaigheil – domestic, homely
taigheadas (m) - housing
Còmhradh – Conversation
tha mi ag obair aig an taigh – I work from home
[note the opposite prepositions used in the two languages]
cia mheud seòmair a tha ann? – how many rooms are there?
cia mheud seòmair a tha san taigh? – how many rooms does the house have?
cia mheud seòmair a th’ agaibh? – how many rooms do you have?
Dè cho fad ’s a tha sibh a’ fuireach an seo? – how long have you been living here?
Dh’imrich sinn an seo o chionn dà bhliadhna – we moved here two years ago
Tha sinn air a bhith an seo fad dà bhliadhna – we’ve been here for two years
A bheil gàrradh agaibh? – do you have a garden?
A bheil Seonag aig an taigh? – Is Joanne at home?
Chan eil Ruaraidh ann – Rory isn’t in
Chan eil e a-staigh – he isn’t in
Tha cuideigin aig an doras – there’s somebody at the door
a' gnogadh air an doras – knocking on the door
saoil cò th’ ann – I wonder who it is
feuch cò th’ aig an doras – go and see who is at the door
is toil leam am bolta sin: cuin a chuir thu suas e? – I like that wallpaper: when did you put it up?
Tha an doras feumach air peantadh – the door needs painted
An do dhùin thu an geata às do dhèidh nuair a thàinig thu dhan ghàrradh? – did you close the gate behind you when you came into the garden?
Remember that you can substitute agad for agaibh in these expressions if you are talking to a friend or somebody you would normally address as thu.
Seòmraichean – rooms
seòmar (m) – room
rùm (m) - room
an seòmar-suidhe (m) – the living room
an seòmar-ithidh (m) – the dining room [or seòmar-ithe]
an seòmar-ionnlaid (m) – the bathroom
an cidsin (m) – the kitchen
a’ chùlaist (f) – the parlour, best room
a’ chlòsaid (f) – toilet [room]; can also mean a smaller bedroom, so make sure you know what the other person understands this word to mean!
an taigh-beag (m) – toilet [room]
an seòmar-cadail (m) - bedroom
an trannsa (f) – the lobby, the hallway
an lobaidh (f) – the lobby
an staidhre (f) – the stairs, the staircase
shuas an staidhre – upstairs
shìos an staidhre – downstairs
a’ dol suas an staidhre – going upstairs
a’ dol sìos an staidhre – going downstairs
a’ gharaids (f) – the garage
an gàrradh (m) – the garden
an lios (m) – the yard
a’ challaid (f) – the hedge
am feansa (m) – the fence
an geata (m) – the gate
am balla (m) – the wall [a house wall]
an gàrradh (m) – the wall [a garden wall: hence, the name for the garden]
am mullach (m) – the roof
mullach an taighe – the roof
am mullach-seòmair (m) – the ceiling