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Spòrs (m) - Sport
Although a plural form is possible (spòrsachan), this word is generally used as both a singular and collective noun. It is otherwise invariable, so there are no changes in genitive position. Note, it is also the most commonly used Gaelic word for “fun”.
Bhiodh sin spòrs – that would be fun
Còmhradh - Conversation
Dè an spòrs as fheàrr leat? – what’s your favourite sport?
Dè an seòrsa spòrs as fheàrr leat? – what’s your favourite type of sport?
Am bi thu a’ cluich spòrs (sam bith)? – do you play (any) sports?
Dè an spòrs a bhios tu a’ cluich? – which sport do you play?
Bidh mi a’ cluich… - I play…
Bidh mi ri… - I do…
Bidh mi a’ dèanamh… - I do…
Is fheàrr leam coimhead na cluich – I prefer watching to playing
Dè an sgioba a tha thu a’ leantainn? – what team do you support?
Tha mi a’ leantainn… - I support…
Dè an sgioba ball-coise… ? – which football team…?
Dè an sgioba camanachd…? – which shinty team…?
Cha toil leam idir spòrs – I don’t like sport at all
Is beag orm spòrs – I hate sport
’S e teanas-bùird as fheàrr leam – table tennis is my favourite
’S fheàrr leam snàmh na ruith – I prefer swimming rather than running
Cuin a bhios tu...? - when do you...?
Dè cho tric 's a bhios tu...? - how often do you..?
Bidh mi a’ cluich ball-basgaid gach feasgar Diluain agus rugbaidh corra uair aig deireadh na seachdain – I play basketball each Monday afternoon/evening and rugby occasionally at weekends
corra uair - occasionally
B’ àbhaist dhomh teanas-bùird a dhèanamh ach cha chluich mi tuilleadh e – I used to do table tennis, but I don’t play it anymore
tuilleadh - anymore
Tha ise math air hogaidh – she is good at hockey
hogaidh (m) or hocaidh (m) – hockey
Tha spòrs math dhut – sport is good for you
Tha spòrs fallain – sport is healthy
Cha bhi mise ga dhèanamh tuilleadh, ach tha mo mhac/mo nighean math air – I don’t do it anymore, but my son/my daughter is good at it
Liosta de spòrs eadar-dhealaichte - list of different sports
Bidh mise a' cluich... - I play...
rugbaidh (m) - rugby
ball-coise (m) - football
teanas (m) - tennis
teanas-bùird (m) - table tennis
goilf (m) - golf
badmantan (m) - badminton
ball-basgaid (m) - basketball
bidh mise a' dèanamh... - I do...
boghadaireachd (f) - archery
claidheamhaireachd (f) - fencing
spòrs (m) còmhraige - combat sports
ealain mhàirsealach (f) - martial arts
Some sports don't need the verbs a' cluich or a' dèanamh:
Bidh mi... - I (do)...
a' snàmh - swimming
a' ruith - running
a' coiseachd - walking
a' sreap nam beann - mountain climbing
bidh mi a' coiseachd - I go walking
bidh mi a' tilgeil ghathan - I play darts